
PREMIS (Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies) provides a "comprehensive, practical resource for implementing preservation metadata in digital preservation systems.  The Data Dictionary defines preservation metadata that:

  • Supports the viability, renderability, understandability, authenticity, and identity of digital objects in a preservation context;
  • Represents the information most preservation repositories need to know to preserve digital materials over the long term;
  • Emphasizes "implementable metadata":  rigorously defined, supported by guidelines for creation, management, and use, and oriented toward automated workflows; and,
  • Embodies technical neutrality:  no assumptions made about preservation technologies, strategies, metadata storage and management, etc."

PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata.
The PREMIS Editorial Committee has defined a conformance statement that defines a set of principles governing a conformant implementation of the PREMIS Data Dictionary.

For additional information, please see the FLVC Digital Preservation Libguide: