Xello is an engaging, fun-to-use program that you can access online, even from your phone. Through its full suite of career planning tools, it will help you create your very own, unique roadmap to your future.
For more information, please see the following FloridaShines page: https://www.floridashines.org/xello
Beginning in fall of 2023, all Florida districts will have access, at no-cost, to Xello’s full suite of K-12 tools for career exploration and planning, and coordination of work-based learning opportunities. Xello will be reaching out directly to district administrators to get schools set up for success.
Educators and Administrators can use these pages to access the resources available to them, as well as schedule training:General information about Xello Florida: https://xello.world/en/florida-college-career-ready/
Xello Resources for Florida educators: https://help.xello.world/en-us/Content/Local/FL_Ed-Resources.htm?Highlight=florida