Please follow these instructions if you would like to register a new FLVC Support Portal user account or if you receive a message stating "The FLVC Support Portal user could not be found" while trying to reset your account password:
Please close your browser, or open a new incognito or private browsing session, then open this link:
Click the “Sign up now” link at the bottom of the screen.

On the following “User Details” screen, fill in your email address then click the button for “Send verification code.”

The screen will change and show a field for the code and a button to verify / send a new code. Put the verification code from your email in that field and click the button to verify. The screen should change again, giving you a confirmation. After that, you can fill in the two password fields and the name fields then click “Create” button. Your account will now be created or linked to an existing account. You will be brought to a page when you can submit cases and see your past cases should you have any.