A complete list of FLVC Listserv lists is located at:
Most of the lists are open for subscribers using their institutional work email address. To subscribe to a list, first select it. If this list requires a subscription to view, you will receive a screen stating that you are not authorized to view the list archives. Click the menu button under the Login Required heading then select "Subscribe or Unsubscribe" from the menu:

Next, a Registration screen will appear.  If you are currently logged in to a Listserv account, this page will be filled out automatically. Otherwise, please fill in the information and select your subscription type.
Finally, click the "Subscribe" button and a confirmation screen will appear. Depending on the list, you may need to wait to receive a confirmation email before you are able to access the list archives as well.
If your work email address has changed then you will need to update it on the list to post new messages or access the archives.

The FLVC help desk can subscribe your address to any of the lists if you like. You can always email to request a subscription or removal from a list.