
Last update: 08/13/2024

To log in as a University of South Florida student on FloridaShines, you will need your USF NetID and password.  If you are unsure of your NetID and/or password, you can use the following link to recover your NetID information:

Please note: USF Unofficial transcripts are only available to current students and students who still have access to myUSF. If you are unable to log in to your OASIS or FloridaShines account directly, you must request an official transcript through Parchment. Please see the following USF page for additional information:

For more information, or if you encounter any issues with the NetID recovery process, please contact the USF ITS or registrar at:

USF's IT Service Desk contact information:

Phone: 813-974-HELP (4357)

USF's Registrar contact information:

Phone: Hours | Monday - Friday | 9am - 4pm | (813) 974-2000 


If you are checking your transcript during your first semester at USF then you may run into a message like this 

An error has occurred. Error code: 68888 Institution: University of South Florida We are unable to fulfill your request because you have no course work at USF. Please contact the Registrar's Office at for assistance if you encounter any errors related to transcript requests

This means the USF registrar is still processing final grades. Once they complete your transcript it will be available to view on 

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